*Christmas wishes to you and your families from goodmakes!*

If you travel through the Valais region of Switzerland near where I grew up, you might notice some of the chalets have heart shaped windows carved in the front wooden wall.

In traditional Swiss architecture these hearts were included in the walls to represent the number of daughters in a family, so there is one heart that represents me in the wall of our chalet. For the Swiss (and for me), home is truly where the heart is!

This, for me, is really what the spirit of Christmas is all about  – spending time with those you love, celebrating and being grateful for the significant relationships that sustain us in our transient world.

Family is at the centre of everything we do at Goodmakes – supporting mothers to share their (sometimes difficult) stories of motherhood, learn new skills, make new friends and providing a nurturing environment for them to become independent so they can better support their families.

So Merry Christmas to you and yours  and thank you for all of your support this year!

love, from

Goodmakes x



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